Atlanta, GA


At its essence, The Agility Mindset our agile coaches, are change agents who helps leaders and teams adopt new ways of working via agile practices and mind-sets.


a foundational understanding of Kanban, and it sounds great.

Start by visualizing your workflow using a Kanban board and work item cards. Limit WIP as much as possible, ensuring that team members complete one work item before moving onto the next one. Establish and publicize your policies so that everyone understands how the Kanban methodology works.

Make sure to be consistently managing flow, evaluating the process and getting feedback from the team on how to make the process smoother. 


better processes and deliverables.

Mission 1: Start With What You Do Now
Unlike some agile methodologies, Kanban is designed to accommodate an existing workflow without derailing what is already being done successfully. It can be applied incrementally, helping to highlight issues in the existing process and identify flow optimization opportunities, without causing a “culture shock.”

Mission 2: Agree to Pursue Incremental, Evolutionary Change
Kanban lies on the belief that progress is best made through small, evolutionary changes. Dramatic, sweeping changes are generally discouraged, as they tend to be met with resistance and fear.

Mission 3: Respect the Current Process, Roles & Responsibilities
Consistent with principles 1 and 2, Kanban respects existing processes that are working well and enables necessary changes incrementally. The system encourages teams to constantly evaluate processes and make incremental changes to optimize the workflow.

Mission 4: Encourage Acts of Leadership at All Levels
Kanban encourages every team member to adapt a mindset of continual improvement. Whether that’s a junior member on the front line or a manager, everyone is encouraged to be a leader and suggest improvements to the system.


 a mindset of continual improvement.

We encourage every team member to adapt a mindset of continual improvement. Whether that’s a junior member on the front line or a manager, everyone is encouraged to be a leader and suggest improvements to the system.

Kanban is much more than a board with colorful sticky notes

It represents a host of principles, practices, and values that make it a human and self-improving agile methodology. By truly understanding and embodying its core features, you can apply Kanban to any project and achieve workflow success.


Without fully understanding the process you’re coming into, you won’t have a foundation for making improvements to it.


Keeping a balance between team capacities and client satisfaction will help to shorten delivery rate.


Each team member, regardless of hierarchical status, is encouraged to demonstrate leadership.



If you have any question regarding Agile Coaching or our courses, we encourage you to schedule an appointment or phone consultation with one of our professionals. We are pleased to offer a wide range of services for the specific needs of your career.


Atlanta, GA


+1 (904) 760 – 1846